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Entitate Calificată acreditată de către Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Română
Qualified Entity accredited by the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority
Declare a training organization
Annex 11 to the RACR-LPAN ULM - Organization Statement
Organization security policy
Statement on the material basis of the Organization
Aerodrome use form
Aircraft use form
With the exception of Annex 11, all other forms are for information purposes only and may be amended.
For the initial declaration of a training organization, you must send in original to the Romanian Aeroclub, Annex 11 to RACR-LPAN ULM, accompanied by the following forms. To update the information of an DTO, it is necessary to submit a new statement, Annex 11, in the original, containing the updated data. In the case of the use of uncertified aircraft, you must also include those with the right to train on them.
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